Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pineapple-Raspberry Smoothies

Ok, Breakfast time!!!  I love a good smoothie!  Normally at home I would add flax seed and extra juices or maybe coconut milk, but  I stayed at my brother in law's house last night and so my husband stopped to buy fruit, but I could not bare to tell him to buy a whole box of flax seed... just not neccessary...  So we have Pinapple-Raspberry Smoothies for breakfast.

Start with your basic ingredients: fruit, yogurt, and juice.  I like to keep all of my fruit frozen.  I bought a pineapple from Fresh Market yesterday.  It is gone...  used half of it for smoothies last night, a quarter for Big H's smoothie this morning, and the remaining quarter for me this morning. 

So we have pineapple, raspberries, and strawberry banana mix, because we have these things at home, silly to buy a new bunch of bananas and a whole bag of strawberries.
I prefer to use Stoneyfield whole milk yogurt, but with very little selection last night, my husband brought 2 of these home from the store.

I ain't complaining!  :) Greek yogurt is great for you!  This container has 11g of protein, lots more than you would get from the same serving of regular yogurt.  The fruit was in a separate pocket, so I just didn't use it.

Ok, juice...  I realize that this is not primo juice... nor is it even real juice, probably, considering that it was totally clear when I poured it, but you gotta use what you have... and this was the choice. This or lemonade, and the pineapple is already really acidic.

Add the fruit to the blender.  I use about 2/3 cup of raspberries, a cup of pineapple and 1/2 cup of strawberry/banana mix.  Then the yogurt. 1-3 tablespoon fulls. We only had 2 of these yogurt cups, so I was skimpy.
 Add a bit of juice and blend.  I like mine really thick, so I don't put a lot of juice, but that means more elbow grease.  Start the blender, stop the blender. Use a spoon to mix up to fruit and juice.  Add a little more juice.  Repeat until blending properly and desired consistency has been achieved. 
And the end result is : "Duh, duh, dah Daaaaahhhh!!!"  (That was a horn fanfare by the way : D )

A completely delectable Pineaplle-Raspberry smoothie, for your drinking pleasure.  Enjoy.  And send me comments of other recipes for smoothies that you like. :)

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