Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thirsty Thursday and a Cookie Giveaway!

I was up and rip-roaring to go at 7:51 this morning.  Talked to my grandmother on the phone for about 20 minutes, which just makes the whole day better! Then, I got up, gve Boo a bath, took a shower myself, and started to feel "hunger pangs" :) (Obscure reference... I will send cookies to whoever tells me the "quotee" first!! In a comment!!!)

So I went into my bedroom because I knew I had a treat in my purse.... Dark Chocolate Cherry Kind Bar!

I ate 2 bites of it (about a quarter of the bar, what you see is the part that I left) and that settled my stomach, so I saved the rest of it for a snack later. I went about my business and finished getting ready.

Here is Boo patiently waiting for us to go. She loves going in the car!

I am supposed to babysit tonight, so I went ahead and called Crystal, who I am babysitting for, and arranged to come spend time with her instead of just her kids ;) She, of course, bounded out of bed and got herself all gussied up for me to come over... (Read: Was totally relaxed when I walked in and actually refused to let me take pictures of her because of her state of relaxation. ;) Pics will come later of our "Girl's Day."

When I got to Crystal's we had a smorgasbord, a motley assortment, a salmagundi (!! Look it up, It's a word!!!), if you will, of fruit...

In this bowl, there are 5 chunks of pineapple, 5 chunks of canteloupe, 3 grapefruit wedges, 8 raspberries, 1/2 a kiwi (with the skin on! Who knew? I barely even noticed it there. Just like eating a peach...), 1 strawberry, cut in half, and a tablespoon of pomegranate seeds. I ate it with a big glass of water and then drank my coffee with no sweetener, just 2 tablespoons of Cinnabon non-dairy creamer (35 cal/tbsp). I also had some pomegranate juice, but I have not drank it yet. 

After all that, my breakfast, including the piece of bar, was only 256 calories... so I decided to add a little protein... Cottage Cheese amuse-bouche, anyone?

Tried 3 ways. The one in the back is cottage cheese with just black pepper on it. This Crystal's favorite way to eat it... Then, I put a spot of homemade granola (some that I made for Crystal a while ago) on one, and some pomegranate seeds on another.  Ok, I have never liked cottage cheese... I think it is gross, the taste of it combined with the texture totally throws me off my game, but I think you should try things repetitively to know when your tastes change. Well, they must have changed because there was no emesis in site.  Typically I have trouble even having it on my tongue, but this time was much better.  I tried Crystal's way first, as this one was the one with fewest addatives.  It was ok, but still the texture kills!  Then the pomegranate. Much better, the chew from the pomegranate seeds made it much easier... But the winner?  Definitely the granola. The taste of it overpowered the cottage cheese... making it much easier for me.  So I got brave...

Uh... not gonna happen.  I had 4 small bites of this plate, and then I couldn't do it anymore. I just don't like it. But now I know that I can stand it.  If I had a bowl of granola and instead of yogurt, I added about half a container of cottage cheese, I could eat it. But this was just too much cottage cheese for the amount of granola. And I was not that hungry; I wasn't going to eat it when I was not enjoying it. So, I scraped off all the granola and fixed it so Crystal could eat it.  I ate about a quarter of a 4 oz container.

This is what happens when you sign up for something that you really didn't want to do in the first place!

In better news, look what Crystal gave Boo!!!

Punk Rock Puppy... But she kind of looks like a fat girl who tried to squeeze into a mini skirt...  Hahaha...

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